Monday, January 6, 2020

Homework for Mrs. Fey's Classes Jan. 6~10. 2020

Happy New Year!

Reading- Study vocabulary for "Island of the Blue Dolphins"  There will be a vocabulary and comprehension test on Thursday.
Grammar- We are learning about collective nouns. There will be a quiz on Friday. Look over worksheets.

Reading-Study vocab/ theme worksheets
***GRAMMAR EXTRA CREDIT::   Look up/ research a list of 10 collective nouns.  (EX. a gaggle of geese) Please list them on a piece of paper with your name and period on it to turn in. Write down what you used to find the nouns,  (for example, a computer, a book)Try to find some NEW collective nouns that were not used in class yet!!
Grammar- Look over collective noun sheets to

Reading- Study vocab, look over "Theme" worksheets to prepare for test

Reading- ***Test***  Students will need to identify "Theme" and be able to select the correct definitions to the "Island of the Blue Dolphins" vocabulary words.

Grammar- ***QUIZ*** on collective nouns

Have a nice weekend!! Stay warm!

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